ディズニープラスオリジナルドキュメンタリー『ボン・ジョヴィ:Thank You, Goodnight』配信記念 最速プレミア上映会が行われるとのことで、ボンジョヴィレーベル公式のXとディズニープラスのXが参加者を募ったこのイベント。
参加方法はXのRTとフォローで応募。当選しないと参加ができないというやり方。もっと他に方法はないのでしょうか。後で知ったのですがPower Rock Todayでも応募可能だったのでそれは知らなかった。。。
会場到着後、大きなボンジョヴィの画を発見。そして受付を見るとディズニーや公式X以外にもPower rock todayとUniversal関係受付/メディアのブースを発見。
ボンジョヴィファンが多いのは運営者も知っていると思うので全国で上映やオンラインでもグッズ販売したらどうでしょうか。 私はこの怒りを晴らせる日が来ることを祈っています。


ディズニープラスオリジナルドキュメンタリー『ボン・ジョヴィ:Thank You, Goodnight』配信記念 最速プレミア上映会
4月22日(月) 18:30開始
東宝シネマズ日比谷 スクリーン9
(千代田区有楽町1-1-2 東京ミッドタウン日比谷4F)
・『ボン・ジョヴィ:Thank You, Goodnight』第1話~第2話 特別上映
ディズニープラスオリジナルドキュメンタリー 『ボン・ジョヴィ:Thank You, Goodnight』配信記念 最速プレミア上映会開催
アカウントをフォローしこの投稿をRT 当選人数:15組30名 日時:4/22(月)18時開場 場所:東宝シネマズ日比谷
A premiere screening event for the Disney+ original documentary “Bon Jovi: Thank You, Goodnight” was held to commemorate its release. Both Bon Jovi’s label official account and Disney+ account invited participants to this event.
<Date and Time>
2024 April 22nd (Monday) Tokyo , JAPAN
starting at 18:30 Doors open at 18:00
Duration: Approximately 3 hours <Venue> Toho Cinemas Hibiya, Screen 9 (1-1-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Midtown Hibiya 4F)
<Event Details> – Talk Event – Special Screening of Episodes 1 to 2 of “Bon Jovi: Thank You, Goodnight”
To participate, one had to retweet and follow Bon Jovi’s account. It was the only way to enter; there didn’t seem to be any other methods. Later, I found out that it was also possible to apply through Power Rock Today, which I didn’t know about…
As you can see, the former received over 800 applications, while the latter received over 100 applications.
As it was a premiere screening event, it’s understandable that only a small number of people would win, but the organizers should have anticipated the demand.
I wish they had made some adjustments, like increasing the screening dates. As someone who gets really frustrated, I’d like to hear a satisfactory explanation from the organizers.
I didn’t win. I couldn’t participate in this event. Since there are people who really want to go, I think they should have made it a paid ticket system. Even though I didn’t win, I love Bon Jovi, so on the day of the event, I went to TOHO Cinemas Hibiya.
Upon arrival at the venue, I spotted a large Bon Jovi poster. And when I looked at the reception, I found out they also accepted applications from Power Rock Today and Universal-related outlets/media.
After registering, I was given some exclusive merchandise.
The reception was dismantled around 7 p.m. and there was a lot of leftover merchandise, which they were packing into cardboard boxes. I asked if I could have some of the leftover merchandise, but they said no.
I wonder if real Bon Jovi fans who couldn’t attend the event will receive anything in the future through another application or some other means. It would be disappointing if they were just going to discard the leftover merchandise.
And I hope they’ll revise the application process in the future.
They should make it a paid ticket system. They should allow for waitlists or standby applications. I want them to be able to choose people who can definitely attend the event.
I understand there might have been some last-minute cancellations, but it was really sad to see so many empty seats.
I also noticed some familiar faces in the venue. I found out that some people got to attend this event through connections, which made me even more frustrated.
Since the organizers must know that there are many Bon Jovi fans out there, why not consider screening the documentary nationwide or selling merchandise online? I hope the day will come when my anger is appeased.
And, yesterday, someone promptly listed the merchandise on Mercari or Yahoo Auctions.
If they really loved Bon Jovi, they wouldn’t be so quick to list the merchandise and try to make money. I wonder if the people who won are really Bon Jovi fans after all?

Going to the venue allowed me to understand many things, so it was a learning experience.
Since Bon Jovi events haven’t been held in Japan for many years, this event truly became a precious one.

I wrote this article because I wanted to convey the fact about the Bon Jovi event where many absentees were observed, and I felt that it was a method that didn’t allow genuine fans to participate. Thank you very much for reading this far.