ではセブでCDをほとんど買えないのかというと、昔からのコピーCDやDVDが出回っておりそこで音源を買えるお店は今でもあります。露店で買えます。1枚あたり30ペソ 日本円で80円以下(1ペソ→2.7円)そして値段も値切りしやすいです。
パッケージを見るとブルーレイやCDと記載があっても実際はDVDだったりVCDだったりMP3だったりします。コピーなのでプレス盤ではなくDVD-R CD-Rということです。(ごくたまにプレス盤の可能性もあるかもです)
When I first went to the Philippines in 2016, there were CD shops in shopping malls. However, there were still few records available.
It’s like the image of Aeon Mall in Japan, where stores like Shinseido, Tamakido, and Tower Records are located, but in reality, the shops are not that large-scale.
The size of the sales floor varies by store, but it’s not that spacious, and the CDs and DVDs on the shelves are not meticulously categorized by genre.
The main lineup consisted of CDs by Filipino singers, Western music, and K-pop products. Major Western artists were also featured.
As is often seen in Southeast Asia, pirated CDs are sold in small shops or on the streets.
Fast forward to 2024, about 8 years later,
When I had the opportunity to go to the Philippines again, I looked for CD shops there.
I visited Cebu Island, a popular destination for Japanese tourists.
Now, instead of CD shops, there were record shops.
When I researched Manila, the capital, there were several CD shops, but I didn’t see any in Cebu Island. Instead, there were record shops.
There were musical instrument stores selling guitars and audio equipment like speakers in shopping malls. When I asked the staff at the mall’s information counter, I heard a few times that they also sold CDs here, but when I actually visited the shops, they weren’t selling them anymore.
With the mainstream adoption of streaming services, it’s safe to say that the sale of legitimate CDs in the Philippines has almost disappeared.
So, does this mean you can hardly buy CDs in Cebu? Well, pirated CDs and DVDs have been circulating for a long time, and there are still shops where you can buy them. You can find them at street stalls. They sell for about 30 pesos per disc, which is less than 80 yen in Japanese currency (1 peso → 2.7 yen), and the price is negotiable.
I saw many Filipinos buying a large number of music discs here.
In addition to CDs, there are also DVDs, and even old formats like VCDs and MP3s.
Even if the package says Blu-ray or CD, it may actually be a DVD, VCD, or MP3. Since they are copies, they are not pressed discs but DVD-R or CD-R. (There is a very rare possibility of pressed discs as well.)
MP3s often contain over 100 songs, making them easy to distinguish. Also, the discs may have scratches. You need to check them carefully because scratches may prevent playback.
Since these pirated CDs and DVDs often come in flimsy paper cases, the storage environment is not ideal for CDs or DVDs. I’ve included photos of the covers of pirated CDs and DVDs for reference.
According to the shop owner, street stalls are decreasing due to the influence of streaming services, but if you want to buy anime, movie DVDs, or music CDs in the Philippines, these street stalls still dominate the market for selling copied music.
So, if you want to buy records in the Philippines, check out privately-owned shops.
While CD shops may still sell records in the capital city of Manila, they are almost nonexistent in other areas. However, if you’re looking for pirated CDs, you can still find them on the streets.