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ドキュメンタリー映画ボンジョヴィThank you Goodnightを観た感想! After watching the documentary film “Bon Jovi: Thank You Goodnight,” here are my thoughts!

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デビュー40周年を記念し4部作に渡り製作されたThank you Goodnight The Bonjovi Story ここ日本ではディズニープラスチャンネルで視聴可能となり2024年4月26日公開となりました。



その日は寝て、早く観たいなという気持ちでいっぱいの中、お昼頃再度チェックするとまだLos Angelsが4月25日で過ぎる時間が長く感じました。





1988年から始まったNew Jerseyツアーについて、ジョンボンジョヴィがマネージャや誰かに気みちのことは信じているから1年間休もうといって欲しかった。自分たちはできるといっていたが実際はその必要はなかったとコメントがあり個人的にはとても私に響いた言葉でした。まさかジョンが還暦が過ぎた今、過去を悔やむことがあるのかとびっくりもしました。



自殺させないためにどうすればいいか悩んだティコトーレス。 元奥さんも精神的な問題があり娘との時間が欲しかったリッチーサンボラ、

ジョンボンジョヴィも2009年〜2013年の頃は1988年のNew Jerseyツアーの頃に似ていたと回想。一度立ち止まることを考えなかったジョンは悔やみます。

俺の役目は正直にいうこと、What about nowのレコーディングにプロデューサーがギターを弾いたこと、バンドはつまらないよとリッチー。

The Fighterでリッチーサンボラはギターを弾かなかった。そこで問題が起きたジョンボンジョヴィが言っていましたね。














とは言いつつボンジョヴィの大きな分岐点となったBecause we can tourの裏側もしっかり取り上げてくれたおかげでまたボンジョヴィを見方が変わりました。すっきりしました。



To commemorate their 40th anniversary, “Thank You Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story” has been produced as a four-part series and is now available for viewing on the Disney Plus channel. It was released on April 26, 2024.

I was really looking forward to hearing various truths from Bon Jovi.

At midnight on April 26th, I checked the Disney Channel, but the Bon Jovi documentary film was still not available. Upon investigation, I learned that it would be released based on US time. Since Japan and the US have a time difference of over 14 hours, it was still April 25th in the US.

Feeling impatient to watch it soon, I checked again around noon, but it still felt like a long time since Los Angeles was still on April 25th.

Since waiting was tough, I went shopping in Akabane and checked again on the way back. Finally, the Bon Jovi documentary film was available.

I bought some alcohol that I don’t usually drink and some snacks. Now, all that’s left is to sit back and enjoy it!

The documentary film Thank You Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story, spanning from the band’s formation to 2023, interspersed with interviews and footage from their 2022 tour, has been released. It effectively portrays Bon Jovi’s history and recent developments. Watching all four parts in one go, I felt glad to learn things I didn’t know before. Part three was particularly shocking.

The stories of Alec John Such’s departure and Richie Sambora’s departure were revealed. I wondered if it was too late to discuss these in 2024, but I appreciate Bon Jovi’s decision not to keep them hidden forever.

Regarding the New Jersey Tour that started in 1988, Jon Bon Jovi wished someone, whether it be a manager or someone else, had told him to take a year off because he believed they could do it, but in reality, it wasn’t necessary. This personally resonated with me. I was surprised to think that Jon, now past sixty, might regret the past.

Alec John Such’s departure saga, being fired… It reminded me of TAIJI from X JAPAN. He was also a bassist. His behavior clashed with leader YOSHIKI’s. Alec John Such also clashed with Jon Bon Jovi due to alcohol dependence and drug abuse. I also wanted to know about the surprise guest appearance by Alec at Giant Stadium in 2001.

Richie Sambora’s struggles were also discussed. Especially in the 2000s, he went to alcohol rehabilitation facilities three times in ten years. Tico Torres struggled with how to prevent him from committing suicide. Richie Sambora’s ex-wife had mental issues and he wanted more time with his daughter.

Jon Bon Jovi reminisced that in 2009-2013, he resembled himself during the New Jersey Tour of 1988. He regrets not taking a break.

“I’m dispensable,” said Richie Sambora. Jon said that while recording “What About Now,” the producer played the guitar, and Richie said the band was boring. Richie didn’t play the guitar on “The Fighter.” Jon said there was a problem when he wasn’t there. He felt he wasn’t needed in Bon Jovi.

Jon, who had arranged the tour, said Richie didn’t show up. It was complicated for both of them every time they wanted to express something.

It was clear that fans were disappointed, and it was painful to hear Tico and Hugh say they were sad. Jon Bon Jovi said he was shocked because he was angry and couldn’t stand on stage together.

Introduced by John Shanks as Richie Sambora’s substitute in 2011, Phil X was also used by Jon in 2013. The behind-the-scenes of this were explained in detail in the fourth part, which was very convincing.

There is no regret about the departure, but the way they parted was not good. Richie Sambora wants to apologize to the fans and members.

In 2014, Jon couldn’t see the guitar or sing. He appeared in charity concerts, but he was pushing himself too hard.

As a fan, I think there were misunderstandings about Bon Jovi, but if this interview is factual and honest, I feel relieved. I believe this film was made sincerely. Because they have always said they are not acting for profit but have moved forward with composing as their first priority, I respect them.

I wanted to know more as a big fan. Richie left to prioritize his family, but he toured the world with Orianthi from 2014 to 2016. Was it to respond to requests to return to Bon Jovi, or to spend time with his family?

I also wanted to hear about Alec John Such’s struggles with addiction and other things long after his departure. If he were still alive, would we have heard various stories from the formation of the band from a different perspective?

Nevertheless, the behind-the-scenes of “Because We Can Tour” changed my view of Bon Jovi. I feel relieved.

I think this documentary film is a success. Bon Jovi, who has always moved forward without looking back, has now opened up to us, even about difficult things. Therefore, it has become a valuable work.

I will continue to support Bon Jovi fervently in the future!


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