その後、ゲームBGMでMYCHEMICAL ROMANCEを知り、野球の登場曲とTV細木数子のズバリいうわよのBONJOVIゲスト回でBONJOVIを知り、アメリカのロックに熱中しました。
今の時代であれば、こうしてバンド名を知る事ができれば、その場でYoutubeでどんな音楽か聴きますが、2010年あたりはまだガラ系の携帯電話を使っており、またYoutubeを常に使う習慣もなかったので、このCD帯に書かれていることを信じてかっこいいなと思うCDを買っていました。当時はハードロックが好きだったのでMR.BIGやWHITE SNAEKやGUN `N ROSESを買っていました。その後、雑誌も買うようになり、そこで気に入ったバンドを見つけてはCDを買っていました。
たまにジャケ買いもするようになりBLACK VEIL BRIDESは完全にジャケ買いで知り今でも大好きなバンドです。当時はゴリゴリのLAメタル好きなファッションや見た目でした。https://youtu.be/OsO9wGRf5hI?si=3PfLR_dUmVulgAqr
その後、Youtubeを通して初めて知るバンドも増えていきます。高校生の時にYoutubeでMotionless In Whiteを知った時にこれからは雑誌ではなくYoutubeで新しい音楽を知れると実感したのを覚えています。
Music discovered through the radio, Music discovered while watching TV, Music heard playing outside, Music shared by parents or friends, Music discovered through magazines, Music discovered by attending festivals or concerts, Music discovered by impulse-buying album covers at record shops, Music discovered through video game soundtracks, Music discovered on YouTube, Music discovered through recommendations on streaming services…
Listing these, you realize there are various ways to encounter new music. Reflecting on it, I pondered how I myself discovered new music.
Especially during my teenage years. I would borrow Spitz CDs from home or rent Orange Range CDs, and in upper elementary school, I checked out new single CDs from rental shops every week.
I also bought CDs, but I found accumulating them cumbersome, as they took up space.
Later on, I discovered My Chemical Romance through video game soundtracks, Bon Jovi through baseball entrance songs and a guest appearance on the Bon Jovi episode of ズバリ言うわよ hosted by Hosoki kazuko and became deeply engrossed in American rock music.
Constantly searching for Bon Jovi online led me to discover other bands through related search terms.
Then, I found a very convenient product for myself. I wanted to buy Western music CDs, but I didn’t have much money, and I didn’t know which artists to buy. Luckily, there were these best-hit albums available for just 1,000 yen. These CDs were imported editions without Japanese liner notes, but they had band introductions written in Japanese on the obi strip. At that time, major artists’ best-hit albums were sold for 1,000 yen at Yodobashi Camera and Bic Camera, lined up neatly.
Although the frequency of encountering them has decreased recently, you can still find them occasionally in bookstores. That’s how it was. Unfortunately, this series has become more expensive now, and it’s a shame that you can’t buy them for 1,000 yen anymore. They were great because they were affordable and easy to buy!
In today’s era, if you can learn a band’s name, you can immediately listen to their music on YouTube. However, around 2010, I was still using flip phones and didn’t have the habit of using YouTube regularly. So, I used to believe what was written on the CD obi strip and bought CDs that I thought looked cool. At that time, I liked hard rock, so I bought CDs from bands like Mr. Big, Whitesnake, and Guns N’ Roses. Later on, I started buying magazines and would discover bands I liked there and then buy their CDs.
Sometimes, I would also make impulse purchases based on album covers, and that’s how I discovered Black Veil Brides, a band I still love today. At that time, I was really into the fashion and appearance associated with the heavy LA metal scene.
After that, I started discovering bands through YouTube for the first time. I remember realizing in high school, when I discovered Motionless In White on YouTube, that from then on, I could learn about new music through YouTube instead of magazines.
I still feel happy whenever I come across the 1,000 yen series of best album CDs. Although they often aren’t priced at 1,000 yen anymore, buying the physical copy still adds a special attachment. Thanks to that series, I was able to discover various famous artists in Western music.